Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Star Size Comparison HD

Has nothing to do with networking, but a pretty cool video.  Although, it needs a bit of updating, R136A1 is now king!

Storage Area Networking from Dell

So, I'm in a 3 day SAN class hosted by Dell. The focus appears to be focused around their CLARiiON series product. My hope is that this class combined with my previous knowledge of SAN will allow me to achieve some sort of certification. No doubt a vender agnostic one, and more importantly entry level (someone say SNIA??)!  The class has been promoted as combining quite a bit of theory, with the specifics of the product line. We shall see.


The class was very good. The instructor was on point and a good amount of theory was covered. Pretty much everyone had more SAN experience, so it was interesting to hear their war stories. I also found ways to leverage my existing SAN (a NetApp), in a more efficient manner. Also, for my next SAN purchase, I will really consider the Dell/EMC (CLARiiON) solution. Still by no means a SAN expert, but I really love the underlying technologies like FC, iSCSI, FC/IP, FCoE etc.